Articles on: Uploading

Textures - What & How to use?

This article will explain what Textures are and how to use them in the Sayduck Platform.

What is a Texture?

Texture is an image asset that is mapped to the surface of your 3D model. They are used for defining high-frequency detail, surface texture, or color information on a 3D model.

How to upload textures?

Textures need to be uploaded to the Platform and assigned to a Material. After this, the Texture image is displayed on your model.

Drag & drop to Product

Upload to the product and then assigned to Materials.

Drag & drop to a Material map

Upload to the Material map slot.

How to assign uploaded Texture to a material?

To assign uploaded Textures, click Material map slot and select a Texture.

Texture information & features

Select a Texture asset to access texture information & features.

Replace texture

Update a Texture with a new one without effecting your Materials.

Delete texture

Remove asset from all materials and product .

Unused textures can also be removed with the Remove unused assets button.

Download texture

Select a Texture and click Download.

What kind of textures are there?

RGBA Texture

RGBA Texture is a texture that supports all colors and is used for Base color and Emission.

Grayscale texture

A black and white texture used for Metalness, Roughness and Occlusion.

Normal texture

A special texture created to simulate depth by adding bumps and dents.

Baked & Tiled texture

To learn about Baked & Tiled texture, check out this in-depth video:

Baked textures

Baked textures are baked to a specific model and will applied the texture according to that models UV mapping.

When to use baked textures?

Baked textures should be used only when there is no repeatable pattern in your model like for shadows (Occlusion texture).

Tiled textures

Tiled textures are created from a close up image of a material. They have repeatable pattern that will be applied to the whole model.

How does a tiled texture work?

Tiled texture are created to have pattern that can be reused or repeated multiple times.

How to apply tiling?

Tiling will specify how many times the Tiled texture will be repeated and in what way.

When to use tiled textures?

It is recommended to use Tiled textures when ever possible as with them you can get 4096x4096 resolution (23MB) with the data of 512px (360KB) image.

How to prepare Textures for the Platform?

Most of the 3D data (>90%) will be in your Textures so you should consider each texture carefully when using them.

Texture data size

Texture data size can be seen from the Texture information.

Texture size: Original data size of the texture asset.

Optimized texture size: Data size of the asset after compression. This is the amount that be downloaded in the 3D viewer.

Accepted import formats

All uploaded textures will be converted to JPG, but we also support PGN as upload format.


Image resolution

More resolution does not always mean better result, but it does always add significantly more data.

Maximum resolution

The maximum texture resolution is 2048x2048px. Textures that exceed these resolutions will be compressed to 2048x2048px.

Recommended resolution

Baked textures: 1024 px
Tiled textures: 512 px

Image quality

By adjusting the Image quality, you can decrease your model data by multiple MB. The recommended % quality will depend on the texture so we recommend trying different qualities until you notice visual differences.

Below you can see comparison between 100% and 30% jpg.

Use tiled textures (4k resolution with 512px data)

When it comes to web 3D, it is important to create product with minimal data possible. This is why the Sayduck Platform emphasise the use of seamless Tiled textures. They allow you to retain the quality of a 4096 px texture with the data requirements of a 512 px texture.

Smart use of tiled texture can reduce the data requirements of your product by more than 90% while improving the visual result.

Examples of two textures - 2048x2048px (6.18MB) and 512x512px (183KB) texture.

Updated on: 13/04/2023

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