Configurator - What & How to use?
Configurator is a product that consist of many Configurations with each their own Variants.

Each Variant has its own 3D Scene that combines to create one 3D scene displayed in the 3D viewer.

Configurations are containers that separate your Variants. They allow you to update only a specific part of your product.

Variants are the options in each of your Configurations . Each of them has its own 3D scenes.

Changing a Variant will load a new 3D scene which updates that part of your product.

Building a Configurator is like building any other product. The only difference is that you will be editing many 3D Scenes in the same product.
Basic configurator guide: Tutorial product
Advanced configurator guide: Sofa configurator
Sub-configurations are used to categorise Variants within a Configuration to their own selections/dropdown menus.
When selected, another dropdown will be added with the Variant option within that Sub-configuration.
Sub-configurations are obsolete if you are building a custom picker

To add a Sub-configuration, click on the highlighted icon.

Drag and drop a Node, Group or Annotation to a Variant.

You can assign a Variant to a sub-configuration by drag and drop.

Optional is used to disable/hide a configuration from the initial load.

To add Optional, select a Configuration and check the Optional box.

The same effect can be done by adding an empty variant as the first option. This will offer more flexibility as the empty scene does not need to be the first choice.

Ignore in AR is used to remove Nodes within a Configurator from AR viewer.
To add Ignore in AR, select a Configuration and check the Ignore in AR box.

The Ignore in AR is used for custom environments, shadow planes and other meshes you do not want to add to AR view.
Mesh replacement is a condition you can add to a Variant that changes a Mesh in the 3D scene to another while the Variant is selected.
To learn more, check out Mesh Replacement
Material replacement is a condition you can add to a Variant that changes a Material in the 3D scene to another while the Variant is selected.
To learn more, check out Material Replacement

Each Variant has its own 3D Scene that combines to create one 3D scene displayed in the 3D viewer.

What are Configurations?
Configurations are containers that separate your Variants. They allow you to update only a specific part of your product.

What are Variants?
Variants are the options in each of your Configurations . Each of them has its own 3D scenes.

Changing a Variant will load a new 3D scene which updates that part of your product.

How to build a Configurator?
Building a Configurator is like building any other product. The only difference is that you will be editing many 3D Scenes in the same product.
Basic configurator guide: Tutorial product
Advanced configurator guide: Sofa configurator
Sub-configurations are used to categorise Variants within a Configuration to their own selections/dropdown menus.
When selected, another dropdown will be added with the Variant option within that Sub-configuration.
Sub-configurations are obsolete if you are building a custom picker

How to add a sub-configuration?
To add a Sub-configuration, click on the highlighted icon.

Transfer to another configuration
Drag and drop a Node, Group or Annotation to a Variant.

Drag & drop Variant to sub-configuration
You can assign a Variant to a sub-configuration by drag and drop.

Optional configurations
Optional is used to disable/hide a configuration from the initial load.

How to add Optional to a configuration?
To add Optional, select a Configuration and check the Optional box.

Using an empty variant
The same effect can be done by adding an empty variant as the first option. This will offer more flexibility as the empty scene does not need to be the first choice.

How to remove models from AR view?
Ignore in AR is used to remove Nodes within a Configurator from AR viewer.
How to add Ignore in AR?
To add Ignore in AR, select a Configuration and check the Ignore in AR box.

What should Ignore in AR be used for?
The Ignore in AR is used for custom environments, shadow planes and other meshes you do not want to add to AR view.
Mesh replacement
Mesh replacement is a condition you can add to a Variant that changes a Mesh in the 3D scene to another while the Variant is selected.
To learn more, check out Mesh Replacement

Material replacement
Material replacement is a condition you can add to a Variant that changes a Material in the 3D scene to another while the Variant is selected.
To learn more, check out Material Replacement

Updated on: 03/12/2024
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