Articles on: Editing

Materials - What & How to use?

Materials can be seen as layers or paint that are added on the surface of your 3D model to them appear metallic or wooden.

How to create a New material?

To create a New Material, click + Material on your product page. This will add material to your Product Assets.

How to make a change to a Material?

Click and select Material to open a tab with all its values.

By adjusting these values, you can change the material color or make appear metallic.

Material values do not add any data to your product so we recommend using them over textures

RGBA Color picker

RGBA Color picker changes Material to any RGBA color. It can be used in combination with a Texture to fine-tune a colour or to reuse texture assets.

Material colours work in combination with the environment lighting so they might not translate 1:1 in all cases

Factor & Intensity

Factor & Intensity affect the material on a scale from 0 to 1. When used with a Texture, it will reduce texture efficiency.

Roughness factor: Makes your material rough (1) or glossy (0).
Metalness factor: Makes your material metallic (1) or not metallic (0).
Normal intensity: Reduces the intensity of your Normal map (0 = no texture).
Occlusion intensity: Reduces the intensity of your Normal map (0 = no texture).

How to assign a Texture to a Material?

Drag & drop asset file to the image icon in a Material value to upload it and assign it.

To assign uploaded Textures (listed in Product Textures), click the image icon in a Material and select a Texture.

How to assign Material to a Node?

Drag & drop material icon to a Node in the scene. If you drag it to a Group, it will assign it to all Nodes in that group.

You can also select a Node and then choose Material from the dropdown to assign it.

PBR Materials values

The Sayduck Platform uses Physically Based Rendering (PBR), a shading and rendering technique that accurately calculates how light interacts with the surface, to achieve a higher level of realism and quality in our materials.

Base color (RGBA)

Base color is used to add solid color (RGB) or transparency (A ie. alpha value).

For more information, check out Base colour (RGBA)


Metalness defines how metallic your Material is.

For more information, check out Metalness


Roughness defines how light reflects from your Material.

For more information, check out Roughness

Normal map

Normal map is used to add details such as bumps or dents without effecting the model structure.

For more information, check out Normal map

Emissive color

Emission simulates glow and is mainly used for lights.

For more information, check out Emissive color

Ambient occlusion

Ambient occlusion is a rendering technique used to create contact shadows or shading to your product.

This AO shadow texture is baked in a 3D modelling software and then uploaded to the Platform.

For more information, check out Product Shadows (Ambient Occlusion)


To add transparency, change your material Alpha value or use the Transmission extension.

For more information, check out Transparency

Clear Coat

Clear Coat is a material extension that adds a thin reflective layer on top of your model. It is mainly used for transparent coating on wood furniture or car paint.

This effect can be adjusted with the Intensity (factor & grayscale texture), Roughness (factor & grayscale texture) and Normal map.

Not supported in Augmented reality

For more information, check out Clear Coat


Sheen is an extension that is mainly used for fabric materials, such as velvet. It simulates how threads respond to light when viewed from different angles.

Not supported in Augmented reality

For more information, check out Sheen

Transform UV

Transform UV repeats, moves or rotates Texture applied to the material.

Tiling repeats the Texture asset based on the value added to the X and Y.

Offset moves Texture in the Y and X axes.

Rotation changes the angle of your Texture.

Occlusion map is not effected by Transform values

For more information, check out UV Transform (Tiling)

Material Features

Remove unused assets

Remove unused assets deletes all unused Textures, Materials and Meshes.

Delete, Duplicate & Save to Library

Delete, Duplicate & Save to Library tools can be found by clicking the highlighted area on a Material.

Duplicate Material

Created a copy of the Material with all the same values and textures. Allowing you to use any Material as a template for others.

Delete Material

Removes selected Material and all Nodes using it from the 3D Scene. It does not delete any Textures assigned to the Material.

Save Material to Library

Adds a copy of your Material to your Material Library. From there, it can then be assigned to any product.

Material Folder

Material Folders are used to store Materials.

Create a Material folder

Material folders can be created with the highlighted button.

Assign Material to Folder

Drag & drop Material to assign it to a folder.

Drag & drop Material to the back arrow to remove it from the folder.

Save Folder to Library

Click the highlighted button, to save your Material folder to your Library.

Change Folder name & Delete button

Select a folder and click highlighted area to change the name or delete the folder.

Updated on: 12/12/2024

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